The usage of
paint brush is not as simple as we think, in order to make full use of paint
brush, ways and means are needed, Han Deshi coating said: mastering the correct
way to use a brush, brush to minimize the generation of stagnation .
Many vendors will put correct construction
procedure in specification : put the new brush into
the water and soak it. Usually 10-15mins.. An ideal method is: 1% detergent
dissolved in water (preferably hot)to soak brushes.
Brush dipped in paint, the length of the bristles in liquid is more than half,
one in third is the best. After dipping paint brush tip should touch tank wall
a few times to make paintbrushes with paint full but not dripping.
Paint brush when the line angle relative to the painted surface should be 45 °.
On the construction of walls and ceilings, to the vertical line brush, brush
longer, touch the wall should be lightly. Painting wood, to the line parallel
to the grain brush.
When brush oil paint , back brush can improve the appearance of the film, but
the paint brush, especially semi-gloss or gloss paint, do not back brush. Thick
paint brushing requirements and good hiding power, cleanly line brush, in order
to achieve good effect.