
Use the paint brush

Paint brush, I believe many of my friends are not familiar with it, we have seen how much or used a paint brush, especially for home improvement, the following small talk for everyone under the production of raw materials and paint brush purpose and scope.

First, the production of raw materials paint brush

Paint brush with a plastic handle and wooden handle two kinds of handles. Plastic handle is a plastic injection molding. Wooden handle and wooden handle of wood qualities and oiled wooden handle. Paint brush with bristles main material, wool, and nylon imitation bristles, brush auxiliary Arima timber imports iron, small nails, glue.

Second, the purpose and scope of the paint brush

Mainly used paint brush paint brush. Paint, glue, its use is very wide, at home, shipbuilding, aerospace, food, archeology, etc. can be used.

Reference Information:www.east-tools.com

